Recently I had to create a lot of arrays in JSON for the API connection of a webshop.
The filemaker’s own function for creating arrays seems to exist only as a script loop.
From practice my approach would be to pass a list of values to an array command and get a finished array back.
Such a task is ideal for a recursive custom function – I will describe the creation of recursive functions in a separate post.
//cf_jsonArray ( json ; key ; theList ; type , counter )
//type = filemaker type of element
//counter should be inital always 0
Let (
max = ValueCount ( theList ) ;
counter = If (counter = “” ; 0 ; counter ) ;
json = JSONSetElement( json ; counter ; GetValue ( theList ; counter +1 ) ; type )
] ;
Case (
max = 0 ; “[]” ;
counter +1 < max ; cf_jsonArray ( json ; key ; theList ; type ; counter + 1 ) ;
counter +1 = max ; JSONSetElement ( “{}” ; [key ; json ; 4] )
Example call: cf_jsonArray ( “[]“ ;”Images” ; “1.jpg¶2.jpg” ; 1 ; 0 )
In this case the list of images was determined from the relationship of the article images with “List ( Article::Images )”.
{ „Images“: [ “1.jpg“ , “2.jpg“ ] }
Or if the JSON is to be included in an existing JSON, an empty value is passed as key and the result is taken over by JSONRaw into the origin JSON:
JSONFormatElement ( JSONSetElement ( "{}" ;
["Article" ;
JSONSetElement ( "{}" ;
["ArticleShopID" ; 111 ; 2] ;
["Images" ; cf_jsonArray ( "[]" ; "“ ;"1.jpg¶2.jpg" ; 1 ; 0 ) ; JSONRaw ]
) ; JSONObject] )
“Article” :
“ArticleShopID” : 111 ,
“Images” : [ “1.jpg“ , “2.jpg” ]
You have any questions? Feel free to send me an email, I’ll try to answer as soon as possible.